
Special Interest Groups (特殊興趣小組)

In order to achieve our purpose and vision, we rely heavily on Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which are developed and mentored by the foremost experts in the respective fields under the guidance of AU. As part of their mission, SIGs also interact with academics and scientists from both within and outside the organization in areas of cyber security.


為了實現我們的目標和願景,我們嚴重依賴特殊興趣小組 (SIG),這些小組由 AU 指導下的各個領域的最重要專家開發和指導。 作為其使命的一部分,SIG 還在網絡安全領域與組織內外的學者和科學家進行互動。

Machine learning, deep learning, and AI for Cyber Security Committee’s mission and objective is to implement the CCRI’s Field of Interest in the area of AI-based cyber security and to assist, support, endorse, corroborate, and other information exchanges.


Machine learning, deep learning, and AI for Cyber Security Committee 的使命和目標是在基於 AI 的網絡安全領域實施 CCRI 的興趣領域,並協助、支持、認可、證實和其他信息交換。

Cyber Security for Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies Committee’s mission and objective is to implement the CCRI’s Field of Interest in the area of smart devices-based cyber security and to assist, support, endorse, corroborate, and other information exchanges.


智能手機和移動設備技術委員會的網絡安全委員會的使命和目標是在基於智能設備的網絡安全領域實施 CCRI 的興趣領域,並協助、支持、認可、證實和其他信息交換。

To execute the CCRI’s Field of Interest in the field of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Based Cyber Security, the CCRI’s Cyber Security for Smartphone and Mobile Device Technologies Committee’s aim and objective is to encourage, approve and corroborate information exchanges.


為了執行 CCRI 在基於增強現實、虛擬現實和混合現實的網絡安全領域的興趣領域,CCRI 智能手機和移動設備技術委員會的網絡安全委員會的目的和目標是鼓勵、批准和證實信息交換。

The CCRI’s Metaverse and Cyber Security Committee’s goal and mission is to stimulate, authorise, and corroborate information exchanges in the area of metaverse-based cyber security.


CCRI 的 Metaverse 和網絡安全委員會的目標和使命是促進、授權和證實基於 Metaverse 的網絡安全領域的信息交換。

As part of the CCRI’s area of interest in quantum-based cyber security, the Cyber Security for Quantum Technologies Committee of the CCRI seeks to stimulate, authorise, and corroborate information exchanges.


作為 CCRI 在基於量子的網絡安全方面感興趣的領域的一部分,CCRI 的量子技術委員會網絡安全尋求刺激、授權和證實信息交換。