
International Experts (國際專家)

AAAS Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Director of International Affairs, College of Science and Technology, Director of Center for Networked Computing (CNC), Laura H. Carnell Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences Temple University, USA


Jie Wu [F] ( is the director of the Center for Networked Computing and Laura H. Carnell Professor at Temple University. His current research interests include mobile computing and wireless networks, network security, and cloud computing. He publishes in scholarly journals, conferences, and books. He is a Fellow of the AAAS.

AAAS Fellow, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Lutcher Brown Endowed Chair in Cyber Security and professor of Computer Science, Executive Director and Chief Scientist Institute for Cyber Security (ICS), Director and Lead Principal Investigator NSF Center for Security and Privacy Enhanced Cloud Computing University of Texas at San Antonio, USA


Ravi Sandhu is the Lutcher Brown Distinguished Chair in Cyber Security, executive director and chief scientist for UTSA’s Institute for Cyber Security, and director and lead principal investigator for the NSF Center for Security and Privacy Enhanced Cloud Computing (C-SPECC). A prolific and highly cited author, Sandhu’s research has been funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF), NSA, NIST, DARPA, AFOSR, ONR, AFRL and private industry. His seminal papers on role-based access control established it as the dominant form of access control in practical systems. His numerous other models and mechanisms have also had considerable real-world impact. Sandhu has consulted for leading industry and government organizations, and has lectured all over the world. He is an inventor on more than 30 security technology patents and has accumulated over 42,000 Google Scholar citations for his papers. Sandhu also served as the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, and previously as the founding editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Information and System Security. At the Institute for Cyber Security, Sandhu leads multiple teams conducting research on cyber security and privacy domains including cloud computing, internet of things, cyber-physical systems, smart communities, information sharing, data provenance and social computing, in collaboration with researchers all across the world. The goals of C-SPECC are to become nationally recognized for excellence in research and innovation in secure cloud computing, to increase participation among underrepresented minorities in high-tech computing and to pursue innovative research-based educational strategies for high school and college students. Sandhu has been elected as a fellow to the National Academy of Inventors. He is also a fellow of IEEE, ACM and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has received numerous awards from the IEEE, ACM, National Security Agency, National Institute for Standards and Technology and the International Federation for Information Processing, including the 2018 IEEE Innovation in Societal Infrastructure award for seminal work on role-based access control. Before joining UTSA’s faculty in 2007, Sandhu was on the faculty at George Mason University (1989-2007) and Ohio State University (1982-1989). He received BTech and MTech degrees from IIT Bombay and Delhi, and earned MS and PhD degrees from Rutgers University.

Director, Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors (NORCICS), Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, Norway, Professor, Dept. of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, Norway, EIC: International Journal of Information Security, Springer


Sokratis K. Katsikas is the Director of the Norwegian Center for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors and Professor with the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In the past, among others, he has been the Rector of the Open University of Cyprus; Rector and Vice Rector of the University of the Aegean, Greece; General Secretary of Telecommunications and Posts of the Hellenic Government; Chair of the National Council of Education of Greece; member of the Board of the Hellenic Authority for the Security and Privacy of Communications; chair of the Steering Committee of the EUA Institutional Evaluation Programme; and member of the Board of the Hellenic Authority for the Quality and Accreditation of Higher Education. He chairs the Steering Committee of the ESORICS Conference. In 2019 he has awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by the Dept. of Production and Management Engineering of the Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. In 2021 he was ranked 7th in the security professionals category of the IFSEC Global influencers in the security and fire list. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 journal papers, book chapters and conference proceedings papers. He is serving on the editorial board of several scientific journals, he has co-authored/edited 46 books and has served on/chaired the technical programme committee of more than 800 international scientific conferences. He chairs the steering committee of the ESORICS conferences and he is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Information Security.

IEEE Fellow, Professor, School of Telecommunications Engineering, University of Vigo, Spain EIC: EURASIP Journal on Information Security


"Fernando Pérez-González, Telecommunications Engineer from the U. Santiago, Spain, 1990. Ph.D. from the U. Vigo, Spain, 1993, also in Telecommunications Engineering. Professor, Signal Theory and Communications Department, UVIGO since 2000. During 2009-2012 holder of the Prince of Asturias Endowed Chair on Information Science and Related Tech. at the University of New Mexico (UNM), where he keeps an appointment as Research Professor. During 2007-2010 he was Program Manager of the Spanish National R&D Plan on Electronic and Communication Technologies, Ministry of Science and Innovation. In 2007-2014 he was the founding Executive Director of the Galician Research and Development Center in Advanced Telecommunications (GRADIANT), a semi-private research center with more than 100 employees. He leads the Signal Processing and Communications Group (GPSC) at the UVIGO with over 20 members, including faculty, postdocs and graduate students. His research interests lie at the crossroads of signal processing, security/privacy and communications, in particular, those problems in which an adversary is present. He has co-authored 70 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and more than 175 papers published in various conference proceedings. According to Google Scholar, his works have received more than 1600 citations in the past five years, with an h-index of 36. In Scopus his h-index (excluding self-citations) is 25. PI of more than 45 contracts with industry. Co-founder of 8 companies in the ICT sector; the 5 surviving ones currently employ more than 150 engineers. Co-founder of two VC firms that invest in tech start-ups. 15 patents (most international) covering a wide range of technologies. He led the group of the University of Vigo that took part in the European projects CERTIMARK (FP5), ECRYPT (FP6), REWIND (FP7), NIFTY (FP7), WITDOM (H2020) and currently UNCOVER (H2020). Co-chair of 7 international conferences and workshops, the most recent one EUSIPCO 2021 in Dublin. Co-chair of Technical Program Committee of 9 international conferences. Member of the technical program committee of more than 100 international conferences. Associate Editor of IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2005-2009) and IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE-TIFS, (2006-2010). Editor in Chief of EURASIP International Journal on Information Security (2017-present). Senior Area Editor IEEE-TIFS (2019-present). He has given tutorials and keynotes at major international conferences. Many professional awards, among which: Engineer of the Year, by the Galician Official Association of Telecommunication Engineers, 2011; Cloud Innovation Award by Fujitsu, 2011. Best paper awards at 6th IEEE WIFS; 10th IEEE WIFS; IWDW 2011; 7th Information Hiding Workshop. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, elected member (twice) of the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committe, IEEE Signal Processing Society, and a member (elected twice) of the EURASIP Biometrics, Data Forensics, and Security Special Area Team (BForSec SAT). In 2014 he was appointed member of the Galician Royal Academy of Sciences, and now serves in its Executive Board. "

Professor, University of Tsukuba, Japan & University of Brasilia, Brazil


Visiting Professor, University of Brasilia and Professor Emeritus, University of Tsukuba. Graduate studies in mathematics and in economics at Louvain (Belgium), Lille, Paris (France) and Columbia University (USA), resulting in a PhD in Mathematics (Paris), and a PhD. in Economics (Columbia). Main research areas: in Mathematics, algebraic geometry, and dynamical systems; in Economics, international economics, development economics, and mathematical models; in Computer Sciences: knowledge representation, artificial intelligence. Many books and articles on regional integration, development economics, and Latin America economy, as well as mathematical fields. Professional activities included teaching and research in universities and other institutions in Brazil, Chile, France, Korea, Spain, the USA, and Venezuela.

Center for AI Research (CAIR), University of Agder (UiA), Grimstad, Norway.


Athanasios V. Vasilakos is with CAIR, UiA, and his main research interests include IoTs/mobile nets, artificial intelligence/machine learning, cybersecurity, and big data analytics. He has more than 44 000 citations, H-index=113. He served or is serving as an Editor for many technical journals, such as the IEEE Transactions On Network And Service Management, IEEE Transactions On Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions On Information Forensics And Security, IEEE Transactions On Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions On Services Computing, IEEE Transactions On Nanobioscience, IEEE Transactions On Information Technology In Biomedicine, ACM Transactions On Autonomous And Adaptive Systems, and IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications. He was also General Chair of the European Alliances for Innovation.

Canada Research Chair in Data Mining for Cybersecurity, Graduate Program Director of MISt & Graduate Certificates, Professor, School of Information Studies, McGill University, Canada,
Associate Member, School of Computer Science, McGill University, Canada


"Benjamin Fung is a Canada Research Chair in Data Mining for Cybersecurity, a Full Professor in the School of Information Studies (SIS), and an Associate Member in the School of Computer Science (SOCS) at McGill University. He also serves as Associate Editors for IEEE Transactions of Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) and Elsevier Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS). He received a Ph.D. degree in computing science from Simon Fraser University in 2007. Benjamin has over 130 refereed publications, with more than 10,000 citations, that span the research areas of data mining, machine learning, privacy protection, cybersecurity, and building engineering. His data mining works in crime investigation and authorship analysis have been reported by the media worldwide. Benjamin's research has been supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC), and Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FRQNT). He is a Researcher Council Member of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, the Principal Investigator of the McGill Data Mining and Security Lab (DMaS), an Associate Academic Member of MILA, an Affiliate Faculty of McGill Digital Humanities Initiatives, and an Affiliate Associate Professor of Information Systems Engineering at Concordia University. He previously worked at SAP Business Objects for four years. He is a licensed professional engineer in software engineering."

IEEE Fellow, Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. India


Sandeep Kumar Shukla (F’13) received the Ph.D. degree from the State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY, USA, in 1997.,He is currently a Poonam and Prabhu Goel Chair Professor and the Head of the Computer Science and Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India. His current research interests include formal methods, system level design languages and frameworks, component-based and platform-based design, embedded systems design and co-design, self-stabilization, and fault-tolerant distributed systems.,Dr. Shukla is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, and served as an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor from 2008 to 2012 and an ACM Distinguished Speaker from 2007 to 2014.

Professor of Performance Engineering,
School of Computer Science and Informatics
Cardiff University, UK


Omer Rana is currently a Professor of Performance Engineering with Cardiff University, Cardiff, U.K., with research interests in distributed systems (cloud/edge and IoT) and data analytics (machine learning). He received the Ph.D. degree in neural computing and parallel architectures from Imperial College, London, U.K.

Assistant Director, UMBC Center for Cybersecurity, Director, Cybersecurity Graduate Program, USA


"Dr. Richard Forno is a Principal Lecturer in the UMBC Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, where he directs the UMBC Graduate Cybersecurity Program and serves as the Assistant Director of UMBC’s Center for Cybersecurity. His twenty-five year career spans the government, military, and private sector, including helping to build the first formal cybersecurity program for the U.S. House of Representatives, serving as the first Chief Security Officer for Network Solutions (operator of the InterNIC), and co-founding the CyberMaryland conference. Dr. Forno also was one of the early thought leaders on the subject of “cyberwarfare” and he remains a longtime commentator on the influence of internet technology upon society. Dr. Forno has lectured on cybersecurity, information warfare, and infrastructure protection at American University and the National Defense University in Washington D.C. He is an affiliate of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society (CIS) and from 2005-12 was a Visiting Scientist at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, serving as an instructor for the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC). Dr. Forno’s research and professional interests, rooted in both cybersecurity principles and the humanities, include information age conflict, cybersecurity, risk communication, and the social shaping of technology — specifically, issues related to resiliency, autonomy, and influence in networked societies. In addition to many articles, papers, and commentaries over the years, he is the co-author of Incident Response (O’Reilly 2001) and Cybersecurity for Local Government (Wiley, 2022). "

Full professor at Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment, Deakin University, Australia.


I am a full professor at Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment, Deakin University, Australia. I was awarded the higher doctoral degree, Doctorate of Science (DSc.) in 2016, by Deakin University for my outstanding research achievements. I am a Senior Member of IEEE Society; IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC); IEEE Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance and IEEE Communication Society. Founding member of the IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Big Data. My leadership is extensive spanning industrial, academic and professional areas. I have been actively involved in the organisation of more than 300 conferences all over the world in various capacity including chair, general co-chair, vice-chair, best paper award chair, publication chair, session chair and program committee. I have served on the editorial-board of numerous international journals including the IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing, and have delivered more than 60 keynote addresses worldover.

IEEE Fellow, 2022 IEEE President Elect Candidate, Coughlin Associates, Inc. USA


Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a widely respected digital storage analyst as well as business and technology consultant. He has over 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and management positions at several companies as well as 20 years as a respected consultant. Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents to his credit. Tom is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in it’s second edition with Springer. Coughlin Associates provides market and technology analysis as well as Data Storage sndf Memory Technical and Business Consulting services. Tom publishes the Digital Storage Technology Newsletter, the Media and Entertainment Storage Report, the Emerging Non-Volatile Memory Report and other industry reports. Tom is also a regular contributor on digital storage for and other blogs. Tom is active with SMPTE (Journal article writer and Conference Program Committee), SNIA (including a founder of the SNIA SSSI), the IEEE (he is Past President of IEEE-USA, Past Chair of the IEEE New Initiatives Committee, Past Chair of the IEEE Public Visibility Committee, Past Director for IEEE Region 6, Past Chair and still active in the IEEE Santa Clara Valley section and active in the Consumer Technology Society) and other professional organizations. Tom is the founder and organizer of the Storage Visions Conferences ( as well as the Creative Storage Conferences ( He was the general chairman of the annual Flash Memory Summit for 10 years. He is an IEEE Fellow, HKN member, and a board member of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV).

CEO and Founder, LoginRadius Inc., Canada


Deepak Gupta is the product visionary who built the LoginRadius Identity Platform from scratch and architected it to scale over one billion digital identities globally. With his passion and expertise in creating intricate SaaS architecture, Deepak leads LoginRadius in creating revolutionary solutions in cybersecurity and data privacy. Gupta authors in-depth guides that teach cybersecurity gatekeepers how to manage, grow, and scale technology. One of his most popular book titles includes the “Handbook of Computer Networks and Cybersecurity”. He also writes for leading tech magazines like FastCompany,, CIO, and Forbes. In addition to Deepak’s decorated career, he also serves as a keynote speaker for global events and conferences centered around data, cybersecurity, and technology.

Full Professor of Computer Science, University of Murcia, Spain

Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS), University of Ottawa, Canada


Amiya Nayak received his B.Math degree in Computer Science and Combinatorics and Optimization from University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1981, and Ph.D. in Systems and Computer Engineering from Carleton University, Canada, in 1991. He has over 17 years of industrial experience in software engineering, avionics and navigation systems, simulation and system level performance analysis. He is now an Associate Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, Journal of Sensor & Actuator Networks, Future Internet, and International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. He has served in the Editorial Board of several journals, including IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, and EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking. He has been a Guest Editor of IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics (Special Issue on Cloud Computing in Smart Grid Operation and Management), IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society (Special Issue on Federated Learning for 5G-Envisioned Internet of Things) and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on Networking Challenges in Cloud Computing Systems and Applications). He has co-authored two books: Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks: Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Coordination and Data Communication and Handbook of Applied Algorithms: Solving Scientific, Engineering, and Practical Problems, both published by John Wiley & Sons, New York. He has published over 300 research articles in international journals and conferences. Currently, he is a full professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ottawa. His research interests include mobile computing, wireless sensor networks, and Internet of Things.

Professor, Department of Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Prof. Nadia Nedjah graduated in 1987 in Systems Engineering and Computation and in 1990 obtained an M.Sc. degree also in Systems Engineering and Computation. Both degree were obtained form University of Annaba, Algeria. Since 1997 she holds a Ph.D. degree from University of Manchester – Institute of Science and Technology, UK. She joined the Department of Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications of the Engineering Faculty of the State University of Rio de Janeiro as an Associate Professor. Between 2009 and 2013, she was the head of the Intelligent System research area in the Electronics Engineering Post-graduate program of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is the founder and the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journals of High Performance System Architecture and of Innovative Computing Applications, both published by Inderscience, UK. She published three authored books about Functional and Re-writing Languages, Hardware/Software Co-design for Systems Acceleration and Hardware for soft Computing vs. Soft Computing for Hardware. She (co)-guest edited more than 20 special issues for high impact journals and more than 45 organized books on computational intelligence related topics, such as Evolvable Machines, Genetic Systems Programming, Evolutionary Machine Design: Methodologies and Applications and Real-World Multi-Objective System Engineering. She (co)-authored more than 120 journal papers and more than 200 conference papers. She is Associate Editor of more than 10 international journals, such as the Francis & Taylor’s International Journal of Electronics, Elsevier’s Integration, The VLSI Journal and Microprocessors and Microsystems and IET’s Computer & Digital Techniques. She organized several major conferences related to computational intelligence, such as the 7th edition of Intelligent Systems Design and Application and the 5th edition of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. She also was one of the founder of the International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems.

Professor, School of Artificial Intelligence, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China, & Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile


Jinsong Wu (IEEE Senior Member) received PhD from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Queens University, Canada in 2006. He won 2020 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, for his outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking. He won 2017 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Excellent Services Award for Excellent Technical Leadership and Services in the Green Communications and Computing Community. He has been elected as Vice-Chair Technical Activities (2017-present), IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative, a pan-IEEE effort under IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB). He was the Founder and Founding Chair (2011-2017) of IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC). He is also the co-founder and founding Vice-Chair (2015-present) of IEEE Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD). He received 2017, 2019, and 2021 IEEE System Journal Best Paper Awards. His co-authored paper won 2018 IEEE TCGCC Best Magazine Paper Award. He was the leading Editor and co-author of the comprehensive book, entitled "Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications", published by CRC Press in September 2012.

Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy


"Francesco Colace, PhD, is associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Salerno (Department of Industrial Engineering). He has research experience in Computer Science, Data Mining, Knowledge Management, Computer Networks, Context Aware and e-Learning. He is the author of more than 150 papers in the field of Computer Science, of each more of 30 were published in international journals with impact factor. He worked as a Guest Editor for many journals and he is reviewer for about fifteen international scientific journals and international conferences. He is member of The Scientific Committee of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, that is composed of the director and members chosen from amongst university professors of the highest repute, from fields pertinent or akin to the museum's disciplinary scope of activities, or experts with particular and demonstrated scientific and professional qualifications relating to the protection and valorisation of cultural heritage: He is Chairman of the ICT Center for Cultural Heritage ( He is coordinator of the research group Knowman ( The research activities have had a significant impact on national and international projects. The research activities have had a significant impact on national and international projects. In fact, there have been numerous experiences, including as scientific director, in projects involving national and international research groups and companies operating both nationally and internationally. Below is a list of the main projects in which he has participated and is participating: - Scientific Responsible of the project Industrial Research and Experimental Development Project ""Data IntegRatiON Company, DITRON-C"", submitted in accordance with the PON ""Enterprise and Competitiveness"" 2014-2020 ERDF, area ""Intelligent Factory"". - Scientific Responsible for the University of Salerno of the Vasari Project, a project co-financed by MIUR, with the support of the European Union and activated thanks to the PON R&I 2014-2020 and FSC funds ""Notice for the presentation of Industrial Research and Experimental Development Projects in the 12 areas of specialization identified by the PNR 2015-2020"", for the Cultural Heritage specialization area. ( - Responsible for the University of Salerno of the Project PAUN Urban Archaeological Park of Naples (former RIPA) POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020 ""High technology districts, aggregations and public-private laboratories for the strengthening of the scientific and technological potential of the Campania Region"" - Scientific Coordinator of the Digital Humanist Project 2018-1-IT02-KA203-048291 funded under the Erasmus+ programme. The project involves partners Universities (Universidad de Alicante - Spain, Institute for Postgraduate Studies - Bulgaria, Poznań University of Economics and Business - Poland), Companies (Conform - Italy, I4G - Greece, IACuDiT - International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism), Trade Associations (Chamber of Commerce of Poland - Chamber of Commerce of Bulgaria). Website: The Digital Humanist Project has been selected as an ERASMUS+ “Good Practice Example” and has been highlighted as such in the Erasmus+ Projects Results platform ( Good Practice Examples are “projects that have been particularly well managed and can be a source of inspiration for others”. - Scientific Responsible on behalf of the University of Salerno within the DATAGEM Project - Digital Transformation of Global Entrepreneurial Mindsets 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065472 funded under the ERASMUS+ KA2 - Strategic Partnerships For Higher Education programme. - Scientific Responsible on behalf of the University of Salerno for the BluACT Project ( From 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2020 - Scientific Responsible for the University of Salerno of the Lince Project funded under the Erasmus+ programme. The project involves University partners (Pomeranian University - Poland, University of Salerno - Italy), Training Institutions (Formacion Y Educacion Integral - Spain), Companies (Conform - Italy), Trade Associations (Polish Federation of Engineering Associations FSNT-NOT - Poland)."

Dragan Peraković

Professor, Department of Information and Communication Traffic, University of Zagreb, Croatia


"Dragan Peraković received a B.Sc. degree in 1995, an M.Sc. degree in 2003, and a PhD in 2005, all at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU. Dragan is Head of the Department for Information and Communication Traffic and Head of Chair of Information Communication Systems and Services Management, all at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he is currently a full professor. Dragan is visiting professor at the University of Mostar, Faculty of Science and Education Sciences, Mostar / Bosnia and Herzegovina. Area of scientific interests and activities is modelling of innovative communication ecosystems in the environment of the transport system (ITS), e-Health & Industry 4.0; AI & ML in cybersecurity, DDoS, Internet of Things; AI in e-forensic of communication ecosystems (terminal devices/services); design and development of new innovative services and modules. Dragan is an author/co-author of more than 180 scientific papers in indexed journals and proceedings of international conferences and 18 chapters in international scientific books. Additionally, he is co-editor of more than ten indexed books and proceedings. He participated in the work of several international scientific projects and research & development studies. Dragan is MC member in COST action CA17124 - Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices (DigForAsp) & MC Substitute member in COST action CA15127 - Resilient communication services protecting end-user applications from disaster-based failures (RECODIS). Dragan is a member of TM Forum (USA), IEEE (USA), DAAAM International (EU/Austria), SDIWC (Hong Kong), EAI - European Alliance for Innovation (EU), Association for promotion of innovative technologies InnovativeFET (EU/Croatia), International Association for Technological Development and Innovations (Ukraine), International Telecommunication Society - ITS (EU). Dragan is President of the Croatian Chamber of Transport Engineers, since 2020. Dragan is in top 0.1% of individuals who achieved the greatest success on the EAI rankings in calendar 2019 among the entire EAI community (EAI Fellows Class 2020). Dragan is the first Chief Editor of the International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Hong Kong, and Guest Editor in a few SI in WoS journals (Springer, MDPI, etc.). Dragan is a member of the Steering Committee and General Chair at EAI MMS and EAI Fabulous conference series, and a member of big numbers of Program / Scientific / Organization Committee of International Scientific Conference, worldwide."

Prabin Kumar Panigrahi

Professor, Indian Institute of Management Indore, India


Dr Panigrahi. a Fulbright Scholar, is a professor in Information Systems at Indian Institute of Management Indore, India. Dr. Panigrahi has an excellent academic background and studied in National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela (India) and completed his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India). Professionally he is trained in SDA Bocconi, London School of Economics (LSE), and Harvard Business School (HBS), Boston, USA. Dr Panigrahi has successfully completed professional certifications in Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Ethical Hacker, Cyber Investigation and Cyber Law from premier institutions. Currently he is doing research in Cyber Edge Computing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Technology Acceptance, Social Inclusion in Information Systems, and New Work from Home (nWFH). As part of innovations, Dr Panigrahi has filed couple of patents with other inventors in India. Dr Panigrahi has been closely associated with various activities of Govt of Madhya Pradesh and Govt of India.

Arcangelo Castiglione

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy


Arcangelo Castiglione received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Salerno, Italy. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Laboratory of Cryptography and Cognitive Informatics, AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), and at the Computer Science and Engineering Department, University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania). His research mainly focuses on cyber-physical systems security, automotive security, network security, data security, watermarking, and cryptography. He is an Associate Editor for several Scopus-Indexed journals, such as Soft Computing (Springer), Connection Science (Taylor & Francis), International Journal of Embedded Systems (Inderscience Publishers), Journal of High-Speed Networks (IOS Press), and IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications (IET). He has been Guest Editor for several Special Issues and Volume Editor for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer). He has been involved in several organizational roles (steering committee member, program chair, and publicity chair) for many international conferences. He has been a reviewer for several top-ranked scientific journals and conferences. He serves as the secretary of the IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC). He is a founding member of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS)’s Technical Committee (TC) on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). He has been appointed as a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Secure and Dependable Measurement.

Atif Ahmad

Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne, Australia


Atif is an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne’s School of Computing & Information Systems where he serves as Deputy Director of the Academic Centre of Cyber Security Excellence. Atif leads a unique team of Cybersecurity Management researchers drawn from information systems, business administration, security intelligence, and information warfare. He has authored over 100 scholarly articles in cybersecurity management and received over AUD$5M in grant funding. Atif is an Associate Editor for the leading IT security journal, Computers & Security. He has previously served as a cybersecurity consultant for WorleyParsons, Pinkerton and SinclairKnightMerz. Atif is a Certified Protection Professional with the American Society for Industrial Security. For more information, please visit

Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran


Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani received her Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, Iran in 2009. She is currently an associate professor at the department of Computer Science at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran. She has published about 180 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. She is as area editor and editorial board member of some journals. She is also serving as reviewer for Journals of Elsevier, IEEE, Springer, Wiley, etc. Her current research interests include computer networks, network security, artificial intelligence, electronic commerce, bioinformatics, grid and cloud computing, Internet of Things.